East Coast Gyrocopters

East Coast Gyrocopters offers training for issue of the PPL(G) including Ground Exams, biennial revalidations and check flights.

CFI Jim Hughes has over 2500 hours of instructing on Gyrocopters since he qualified as an instructor in 2014 and is approved by the CAA.

One of the most experienced and knowledgeable instructors in the UK he also previously worked for manufacturer AutoGyro UK as their General Manager.

Whether you’re just wanting to experience the thrill of flying a modern day Gyrocopter on an experience flight or to train for your PPL(G) East Coast Gyrocopters based at Rufforth East offers this on modern, safe, stable AutoGyro aircraft with enclosed cockpit Cavalon and Open Cockpit MTO Sport.

Please visit their website or Facebook Page for more information.

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